M'chorban L'Binyan: From Destruction to Rebuilding, Lament as a Petakh Tikvah: A Doorway of Hope
This recital reflects my ordination thesis: M'chorban L'Binyan: From Destruction to Rebuilding, Lament as a Petakh Tikvah: a Doorway of Hope. The thesis and recital pose the idea that lament (crying out to God) helps one to sit with their grief, process it, and move towards the possibility of hope, healing and renewal. This recital explores this topic through a breadth of music; it is a true fusion of tradition, modern, and secular music that speaks to our reactions to grief and tragedy, and the incredible healing journey the processing of those crises incites.
To listen, Scroll over the "music" button in the menu bar and again over "Lament as a Doorway to Hope."
Then, select the track you would like to listen to. Please join in and sing along as you are comfortable, or let the words and music wash over you. Click the button below for texts and translations.
You will notice that my name throughout my 2013 demo albums is Lauren Furman. I created these tracks just before I married my besheret, Moshe Adesnik!
To listen, Scroll over the "music" button in the menu bar and again over "Lament as a Doorway to Hope."
Then, select the track you would like to listen to. Please join in and sing along as you are comfortable, or let the words and music wash over you. Click the button below for texts and translations.
You will notice that my name throughout my 2013 demo albums is Lauren Furman. I created these tracks just before I married my besheret, Moshe Adesnik!